Welcome Message from the Captain

Greetings and Welcome from the USS Stargazer

Hello there and welcome to the USS Stargazer, a Star Trek fan group and chapter of STARFLEET International's 20th Fleet, (Region 20), which covers the UK (Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland), Republic of Ireland, and surrounding islands.

In the Trek world, we are a Sagan class starship of which I am honoued to be the commanding officer. I n the ral world, I live in Milton Keynes but we have members from across the entire country and beyond, meeting on Facebook via our crew only group, and once a year in person with a face-to-face event. In between times, we have regular video chats as well as quizzes, a chapter newsletter, Star Trek episode discussions. Region and Chapter challenges and much more to boot. Our members enjoy watching all forms of Star Trek as well as a multitude of other sci-fi franchises, and we discuss them all, so don't be surprised to find a chat about Babylon 5, Star Wars or another sci-fi series popping up from time to time.

If you would like any more information about how to become one of the newest crew members aboard the USS Stargazer, please use the CONTACT US form at the bottom of this page for more details.

Thank you.

COL David Priest
Commanding Officer