Wednesday, 1 January 2025

New Website

 A very warm welcome to our new website. Here, everybody will be able to catch up on the latest news from the USS Stargazer. Be it the latest issue of our newsletter or news about our latest or forthcoming chapter meet, both virtual or face-to-face, you can find out about them here. To take full advantage of some of these things, you will need to be a full member of our chapter, but at about £8.00, hopefully, that means you won't have to dig too deep into your pockets. So, what are the benefits of full membership to our chapter?

From an everyday point of view, our crew only page on Facebook is always live. There we have conversations about Trek, other sci-fi franchises, science ... you name it, we talk about it. We also have some little quizzes for you to enjoy, and we talk about conventions and meets, too. You also get first dibs on our chapter newsletter. There's much more besides, and as the chapter develops, you can be a part of that, too.

So, why not join us, just click on the link to the right or below ...

... and don't forget to add the USS Stargazer as your chosen chapter.